Whooha. Woman Having Optimistic Objectives + Healthy Attitudes
Some really, really cool things have happened to me since I started my adventuress in triathloning. Some crazy things have happened, too, as you 17 followers and 2 lurkers are well aware. (sidebar: lurker number one - - what happened?? We were so close!). After my last triathlon I posted a picture of a plaque. Remember it? It said "I tri" with all the reasons you do a triathlon. I liked it because it really was all the reasons I put myself through all that training: all those tortured laps in the pool, all those rides up hidden Mount Everest on Robbie's broken bike, all those miles at Stratton Brook.
I tri
to be with my friends
to have my cake and eat it too
to smile
to hurt but feel no pain
to prove that I am still young
to be my best
to inspire those around me
to overcome my fears
to go faster
for variety
to appreciate what I have
to be fir
because I can
to work hard
to be a role model
to push myself
to finish
so that I can wear a bathing suit
to get out of the house
to be strong
for my family
because it makes me happy
for myself
Isn't that so great?? Well....guess what I received in the mail recently?
Julie, from WHOOHA, sent me this shirt with that wonderful tri saying on it. How cool is that?? I LOVE it. Julie and her friend Amy embrace a philosophy I think is so important, that having optimistic objectives and a healthy attitude are keys to living a happy life. Their goal is to inspire women to inspire each other and themselves. They started a website to do just that: http://www.shop.whoohagear.com/ And they sell really cute clothes!! Could it get any better?? I wish you could feel this shirt. It is so, so soft. And comfortable. And the sleeves are long enough! Trust me, this is big. And you can't see it in the picture but it is has a little hoodie. So cute!! I have received many, many compliments on it. It makes me feel good just to wear it. So thank, you, Julie and Amy, for inspiring me. I hope I can inspire others in return. Take a look at WHOOHA. And just for you, my precious readers, use the code "Inspire" and receive 10% off your purchase. ( if anyone needs an idea for me for Christmas..... http://www.shop.whoohagear.com/product.sc?productId=58&categoryId=5 ).
Play Hard - Take Chances - Keep Smilin'
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