are floaties allowed?

Saturday, June 18, 2011

T minus 29 days. Running day.

I ran on unfamiliar terrain today. No big deal. New town. New run. Sounds like fun. An adventure. Sure, if you like your adventures right out of a Stephen King novel.
I am running along, running along, running along. Up a hill, onto a bridge, almost across the bridge. What does that sign say? Get closer...."DANGER! STAY OFF. LIVE WIRE." What the what?? I am not allowed on this bridge and you wait until I'm almost across it to tell me? Ok, deep breath, regroup. You've just survived an electrocution, good job...keep running. Running along, running along, HIT THE DECK! I am being attacked by some prehistoric 25 foot long winged creature (way, way worse than the Stone Harbor seagull incident of '96). It makes another pass and I debate going all Avatar on his a$$ but decide to forge on and hopefully just make it back alive. And aside from narrowly escaping those two grey skinned, toothless, cigarette smoking, overall wearing yokels emerging from deep in the woods I did make it home alive. Just barely.

But today was a good day compared to what is ahead tomorrow : open water swim. Save me, Stephen.

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